Monday, February 9, 2009

Sophie's Baptism

Here is cake #4. Sophie was baptised on Saturday, February 7, 2009. She was very pretty in her white dress, and it was a special day for all involved.
We are very proud of Sophie and her decision to be baptised.

My sister, Julie, and her son Evan made the trip to come and share the day with us. It was so much fun having them here with us. We will miss them, but look forward to seeing them this summer. It's so hard to get a good picture of a group of people. This was the best in spite of the look on Evan's face.
A family in our ward, the Silers, put together a video presentation about baptism that we showed between the baptism and the confirmation. It was really well done, and very neat. Here's the link:


Us Craven's said...

You have been so busy doing so many great things- except for the mouse part! Good Job Mom! Your kids are so cute-no surprise!

Julie said...

Congratulations Sophie, and Happy Birthday!

Amber said...

I just love baptisms. They are such a great day to celebrate! Congratulations to Sophie!

Rydgd said...

What a darling family, and congrats to Sohpie...she's gorgeous!! It's fun "keeping in touch" with your family...thank goodness for blogs!

Kerry said...

Right after Eric called you guys the other night-we checked this out but didn't leave a comment. I can't believe little Sophie is old enough to be baptized-that's crazy..but awesome!

Hopefully you'll get to see Eric next week.

I was starting to wonder when you were going to blog-I like to just post the silly things that happen and just using the computer during the day gives me a break!

Buxton Family said...

Happy Birthday Sophie. I wish we could have been there for your baptism. Karen, I'm glad to see so many posts. I love reading about your family. We miss you all so much.