Daisy started her heartworm treatment on Friday morning. We had to take her to the vet early in the morning, and then pick her up in the evening. They gave her a shot in her hind end that travels through her blood stream, and kills the heartworms. The process was repeated again on Saturday. The injections kill the adult heartworms which eventually dissolve. While the heartworms are being broken down and dissolved the dog must stay very calm and sedentary. If the dog gets too excited or worked up, they run the risk of having a heart attack. We have to keep this dog quiet for six weeks. No walks, no playing fetch, no barking when the doorbell rings. We even have to put her on a leash when she goes out to relieve herself. The injections are very painful, and can make them sore for quite a while. We were initially told that she would be given pain pills that would keep her in a semi-sedated state for about two weeks. I figured that the first two weeks would be a breeze. How hard is it to keep a sleeping dog calm? We were misinformed. She acted like she didn't feel well on Saturday night, but she seems to have made a full recovery. It's going to be a long six weeks.
I found your blog address...lost it ....like I do everything. Hope the dog is well...hope your having a fun summer!
I don't care what anybody says - trying to keep a dog calm is like trying to keep a wave upon the sand (OK, I stole this from Sound of Music). She's so cute - good luck with that.
We had a great time on Saturday. We look forward to seeing you this week again. I love your beach pictures. Would you make a CD for me? I will do the same for you when I get to California.
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